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Features of a science brochure – industrial brochure examples

science brochure - industrial brochure


It’s routine that some scientists and engineers establish a company or startup and they hope to expand products across the world. In this condition, making a science brochure or industrial flayer would be so important. These types of brochures must have specific features and properties.

Type of readers of a science brochure

The content of a science brochure is related to the type of readers:

1) Brochure for investors
2) Brochure for experts
3) Brochure for common people

Brochure for investors

If the purpose of brochures is investors, the content must focus on the final product, applications, and future market alongside the business plan.

Brochure for experts

Experts consist of scientists, engineers, and co-workers who can understand technical issues. The content of the brochure can have scientific and specific details with procedures of manufacturing products and the advantages of new products compared to the other companies.

Brochure for common people

If the purpose of brochures is common people, it means that you have a final product with high quality with mass production. Thus, the content should focus on the benefit of the product and its applications.

What is the feature of an eye-catching scientific and industrial brochure?

In order to design a very attractive and excellent brochure, you should follow some standards in design.

1) Using realistic product image

In some parts of the brochure, you should show realistic products. Capturing industrial photos would be great, however, if you want to show each part of the product separately and distinguishable, you have to make the product with 3D software like Maya, Cinema 4D, and Blender. This type of image, convey more information about the product, and readers will trust better to the product.

2) Using appropriate Icons

The appropriate Icons would be so important in the tech brochures. Not only do the icons help the paragraphs divide better, but also they help readers visually to guess the sentence before reading the paragraph.

3) Using professional diagrams:

Usually, diagrams contain data about the applications of the product or comparisons of the product with other rival companies’ products. The diagrams should be eye-catching and the colors aline with the logo and help the readers to analyze information easily.

4) Using graphic design for processes, mechanisms, and procedure

Some products have specific procedures to use. In a science brochure , mechanisms and the process of preparing of the product can be important. With professional scientific illustrations, these processes can be shown completely, and the designs should be simplified for the readers.


How to order a science brochure with full features?

One of the services of the website is the professional and eye-catching science brochure design. We take into account all standards, including the format and size of a brochure that you need to publish. If you wish, you can order through this link.


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