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Find Anything You Need To Know About Scientific Illustration
What is graphical abstract | Properties of a standard graphical abstract
In this article ,we will introduce the goals of the graphical abstract design and its design standards to attract the audience .The graphical abstract design has principles that should be considered .
How to create graphical abstracts | A look at the best software programs
There are different types of software to create graphical abstracts. Which software is appropriate depends on a number of factors.
Graphic design revolution for professional scientific posters in a conference
The big question is how the graphic design revolution may change the definition of professional scientific posters.
Virtual reality in chemistry education
Using Virtual Reality in chemistry education could be so beneficial. In some kinds of activities including environmental teaching.
Free Graphical Abstract Maker | Scientific Illustration
Students and researchers try to find the best graphical abstract maker to design it by their own abilities. How can they use it?
The importance of academic resume design
Competition among students to apply for scholarships has given rise to pay attention to the academic resume design in addition to the content.