InMyWork Blog
Find Anything You Need To Know About Scientific Illustration
Thermochromic pigments
The products with thermochromic pigments can be considered as the outcome of the cooperation between art and science.
Format and size of a journal cover
In this article, we describe what is the standard of format and size of a journal cover to increase the chance of publishing.
How to change the color of images in Word?
Sometimes you need to change the color of images in Word to make a graphical abstract. In this article, we will teach you how to do this.
Animated graphical abstract
Graphical abstract can be displayed animated, which is very attractive and the scientific article will be more understandable.
Arrangement of images in Word for graphical abstract design
How to arrange different vectors and images in Word or PowerPoint for professional graphical abstract design?
Face design of scientists for scientific illustration
The face design of scientists has a great deal in scientific illustration. It could be applicable for conferences, graphical abstract, journal covers, and etc.